About us


CargoLite Services LLC is born

Our story began in 2016, with a single owner-operator starting a brand-new company. With our support today his company owns a fleet of more than 20 trucks. After our first year in business, our company started attracting a significant number of carriers who were brand new to the world of the trucking industry. This presented us with a challenging task - to provide them with support on their journey, just as we ourselves had grown as a company along the way.

Our initial clients appreciated the fact that we helped them start from scratch, and they, in turn, referred many new clients to us. This has not only supported our growth but also encouraged us to continuously improve. Building a customer network in a short time frame, we've managed to, through dedication, commitment, and continuous effort, establish a name in the trucking industry that served over 180 satisfied carriers.


Growth over the years


Our journey throught COVID-19 challenges

Our growth didn't stop until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, during one of the toughest years for the trucking industry. In that challenging time, 19 brand-new companies joined us. Through immense efforts, knowledge, reliable relationships, and cost-reduction strategies, we worked day and night. It was no longer just a job; it became a mission to ensure everyone's survival in the business. We didn't give up, and together with them, we got through the most difficult moments. Today, we can proudly say that all those clients still work with us, and we continue to share in their business successes.

Over the years, as our clients have grown with us, their needs have also expanded. In order to streamline their ongoing operations and improve our service, we introduced a billing department that has significantly improved the cash flow and their operations in general. But we didn't stop there - driven by our desire to boost efficiency, we've undertaken a team reorganization and adopted a new approach to the business with three new roles: dispatch supervisor, dispatch agent, and track and trace support. This way, we've completed our service, ensuring that our carriers don't have to worry about anything while on the road and that we support brokers with a secure and dependable capacity they can always rely on.


Introducing new departments and roles


We never forgot our humble beginnings

Helping the first client to start the business from scratch, we are proud that we played a strong part in growing his business. From building a network of over 180 happy and satisfied clients, establishing new departments, to going through the toughest periods in the trucking industry, we've laid the foundation of our company founded on a high-quality management culture. We are also proud to say that human factor is something that our company is built on and both our employees and clients are helping us to strive for a continual growth which will guide us to deliver impeccable service in upcoming years.

CargoLite Services LLC foundation is built upon commitment to exceptional customer support and the delivery of high-quality services. Our company is driven by a dedicated team of individuals who are passionate about the logistics industry and its global impact.

Amy Vukovic

Seeking for a dispatcher to partner you on the road? Get in touch!